Performativt Rom - Samarbeidsprosjekt mellom Design og Operahøgskolen.
Studentene utformer scenografien til operaen Julius Cæsar som skal settes opp på Scene 6, Khio i desember. Musikk av Georg Friedrich Händel og libretto av Nicola Haym.
by Haldis Hognestad HaslerBarack was a sheep from New Zealand, escaping the herd and walking the mountains alone for 5 years. He was attacked by wolves, but the wool was felted thick and he survived.
by Haldis Hognestad HaslerMulti-object (collapible chair, forest mat, baby hammock), pinewood, lambs wool, wild sheep wool, sackcloth)
Nøkkelslukeren – a key figure of modern Norwegian mythology
by Doina KvalvikThere is a troll under Kjærlighetsbrua (The Lovers Bridge). He eats falling keys. So next time you attach a lock to the bridge and throw the keys into the river, be sure to throw them so that the troll can easily find them, or it will come up and eat you and your lover instead!
Det lekende menneske
by Mathilde Iversen OrlichIn my bachelor’s degree, I want to integrate more play into today’s curriculum, give the 6-year old’s a smoother transition from kindergarten to school by giving them a practical alternative to sedentary blackboard teaching.
Exploring the potential of wool as a self supporting material
by Jonas OppedalDue to the vast amount of unusable wool fibers, it's causing a global Waste problem. By finding new ways of using this coarse, low quality wool, I want to solve this challenge as well as utilizing this huge resource. The potential of this processing of the wool is huge and could possibly replace materials such as foam rubber and other synthetic upholstery materials.
Performativ rom
by .Bachelorstudenter på interiørarkitektur og møbeldesign har samarbeidet med Operahøgskolen om å lage scenografien til Le nozze di Figaro fremført av årsstudentene på opera. Samarbeidet gir mulighet for å jobbe med et prosjekt som blir realisert på en scene og møte med studenter og profesjonelle fra et annet fag.
Life behind the facade
by Johnny Huynh Vo"Oh, you're from Romsås, isn´t it dangerous there?", "To come from Groruddalen, you´re not talking very ghetto-like", "No, I refuse to take the sub further than Grønland, it´s bad on the other side", "Doesn´t it suck to live in a block?"