Konstruksjon av en krakk, eller et sitteredskap som vi kaller det her, har vi "alltid" har hatt som første oppgave for nye studenter.
Workshop med Mark Sturkenboom
Designeren Mark Sturkenboom har i løpet av få år markert seg internasjonalt gjennom blant annet prosjektene ”21 grams” og ”Watching time fly by”. Hans konseptuelle vinkling og tilnærming til design representerer en annerledes holdning til faget som skaper debatt verden rundt.
Stille før stormen, industry report for Møbelkraft
Professors Toni Kauppila and Sigurd Strøm have conducted a research for mapping the status of the Møbelkraft AS partners. Møbelkraft is the newly established cluster for the Norwegian furniture manufacturers in the Sykkylven and Stordal region. KHiO has become a strategical partner for Møbelkraft to assist the development of the furniture design in Norway.
The course for ‘Specialisation 3, Material Studies’ is simultaneously an independent material exploration project and a prologue to the upcoming thesis project. The project is both open and specific. Open in the way that it is process orientated and not problem-solving, specific in the way that it only operates within the chosen material.
Oslo Block
Exploration to the near future of Osloan urban cultures.
Møbelkraft pop-up
The Møbelkraft’s stand was based on a spin-off concept from the CIRRUS summer school. One of the projects developed by the students in the workshop was addressing the issue of showcasing Møbelkraft internationally. We found it appropriate to adapt this proposal as a way of marketing the cluster.
To eat or to be eaten, a guide to cannibalism
by Antonio Cascos ChamizoThis project is placed inside my certain interpretation of my professional field. Where design categories are not perceived as something definitive and absolute but rather malleable and permeable.
by Hannah NordhMöblelprojekt som utforskar den 3-dimentionella lekens betydelse för barns utveckling. Polyvalenta former låter fantasin bestämma premisserna för leken och ger barn möjlighet att påverka sin lekmiljö.