
MA Final works

Inside Down

by Laura Andrea Peña Cuellar

The idea then was to create a form of cave or quarry like structure, which followed the premises of the myth describing the underground of Gamle Aker. I made this decision in order to draw my user into some kind of closer relation with the myth, as a way of nurturing the mystery that surrounds the place.

MA Final works

We Grew Together

by Mari Koppanen

We Grew Together is a culturally sensitive material study about Amadou: a suede-like material derived from a polypore mushroom called Fomes fomentarius (eng. Tinder Mushroom) growing mainly on birch and beech trees. The material has a long handicraft tradition in Central Romania as the locals use it for small items such as hats and bags.

MA Final works

Bevar meg vel

by Martine Scheen

Prosjektet ‘Bevar meg vel’ er et masterprosjekt om brukertilpasset gjenbruk og transformasjon av arkitektur med kulturminneverdi. Intensjonen med prosjektet har vært å undersøke hvordan en utforskende og eksperimentell tilnærming kan bidra til en levende og utviklende bevaringskultur som består av tidsdybde, lesbarhet, identitet og variasjon. Plantebanken - forskningspark for biomangfold.

MA Final works

Over the Deadline

by Nina Tsyboulskaia

There is an empty space after someone’s death, the question is if that space should be filled. “Over the deadline” is a project that tries to indicate the thin ethical line that I, as a designer, should consider in my work, and the location of that line is changing in the same tempo as everything else around me.

MA Final works

Nice Shelves

by Mads John Thomseth

«Fine Hyller» is an investigative design project. Its purpose is to explore different ways to build and interpret a shelf. Even though they’re called shelves, they’re really threedimensional sketches. They’re built quickly to accommodate my curiosity, mixing aesthetics. Hopefully I’ll see something new, with a goal of putting them back into context for others to enjoy.

BA Courses

The Diorama

A look behind the scenes in the museum at the temporary exhibition “FOLK - From racial types to DNA sequences” at the Norsk Teknisk Museum Oslo.


You're not to / Milan

‘You’re not to’ is an exhibition project to bring forward the recent design works from the Oslo National Academy of the Arts (KHiO) by the students from Interior Architecture and Furniture Design programme. The project celebrates the school’s 200 years jubilee by engaging in national and international debate about the status of both our education and the current affairs in our design domains.

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