September 13, 2021
DS Awards Best Talents
The Designers' Saturday Best Talents 1st Award won by Tzi Li Wong and the 2nd Award won by Jennifer Lundinner. Congratulations to our graduate students Tzi Li and Jennifer!

September 06, 2021
DS Best Talents
The Designers' Saturday Award Best Talents is an established and highly recognized competition that invites design students and designers to compete in a design competition, giving them a platform to present their work.

June 06, 2021
På ubestemt tid
In an extraordinary year, where digital solutions and social distance have shaped our lives, the Alumni / ae exhibition is the physical manifestation of the student group that graduated from the Oslo Academy of the Arts in 2020.

May 31, 2021
Designavgang 2021
58 avgangsstudenter ved bachelorstudiet og masterstudiet ved avdeling design presenterer sitt avgangsarbeid i en felles avgangsutstilling.

May 06, 2021
Statsbygg Prize 2020
Statsbygg is giving out the student prize in order to promote experimental and innovative studies in interior architecture. This year the prize went to our graduate student Dominika Prokurat for her master thesis called Tree-specific Architecture.

April 21, 2021
Future of love 29.04 kl 14
How will we perceive and practise love in the future? The Master students in design at KHiO have explored possible futures for human love life.

April 09, 2021
Søk HP21!
Årlig workshop som samler arkitektstudenter fra hele Norge i et forsøk på å bygge bro mellom utdanning og arbeidsliv.

March 31, 2021
Study design at KHiO!
Studer interiørarkitektur og møbeldesign på KHiO! / Study interior architecture and furniture design at KHiO!