March 14, 2022
Søknadsfristar - Bachelor i interiørarkitektur og møbeldesign
Avdeling design kan by på eit profesjonsretta, treårig bachelorstudium i interiørarkitektur og møbeldesign.

February 24, 2022
Design Talks: Kate Fletcher
In this talk, I will describe more than 25 years of work at the growing edge of design knowledge and practice most often in fashion and clothing. I will reference usership, Earth Logic, localism, decentring processes, design-nature relations, and systems thinking, building towards a sense of multiple interdependencies between ecological systems, design, and change...

January 25, 2022
Artistic Research Week 25 – 27 JANUARY 2022
Artistic research is inherently an embodiment of ideas, materials, subjectivities, actions, and questions. By looking directly at the forms and functions of embodiment through the arts, we can enhance our ability to recognize and to utilize reflection as a process during the creative processes.

January 04, 2022
Ta master i design på KHiO? | Study Master’s in design at KHiO?
Søknadsfrist 01.02.2022 | Application deadline 01.02.2022 Mer info på | More info at

December 07, 2021
Nips Utstilling (fra fransk: nippes 'pynt, stas)
How will the design of the individual objects be able to reflect different epochs and headings and how will this affect their meaning and interpretation? In what ways do today's trinkets differ from their historical origins and what values do we attach to such objects now? Here you get everything from criticism, irony, and excitement.

November 25, 2021
Reclaim Oslo Commons! Exhibition opening at KHiO on Thursday 25.11. at 6 PM.
On behalf of the MA1 students in Design, You are cordially invited to view the works in the exhibition opening at 18:00 this Thursday 25.11. at KHiO Reception Gallery!
October 29, 2021
Interiør vernissage - Husets sjel
Velkommen til 2 og 3 årets interiør prosjekt "Husets sjel". Vi stiller ut individuelle prosjekter, gjennom visualiseringer, modeller og andre medier viser vi våre ideer om fremtidig bruk av veterinærhøgskolen i Oslo. Utstillingen vil foregå i området forran bibiloteket. Åpen gjennomgang kl. 10. Annen åpning torsdag. kl. 18:00 Utstillingen vil stå til søndag kl. 18:00

October 28, 2021
Vernissage - Kroppen i den digitale verden
Vernissage torsdag 28.10.2021 kl 18:00! Mandag - Fredag, Kl. 9:00 - 20:00 Katedralen, Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo.