April 15, 2016
Super Local
Welcome to the exhibition and presentation of an international workshop at Norwegian Embassy in Tokyo.

March 01, 2016
Nigel Coates Lecture
Nigel Coates is a celebrated British architect and designer. He has consistently experimented and questioned his field, extended its boundaries and bridged it with semiotics, craftsmanship and contemporary culture. His work plays on psycho-geographic association between the built environment and the people who live in it.

February 04, 2016
The MA students from Interior Architecture & Furniture Design at the Oslo National Academy of the Arts exhibit at the Stockholm Furniture & Light Fair. The built installation investigates the contemporary challenges of Norwegian society and the role design might play in that.

January 18, 2016
Welcome to experience the live-installations by MA students from Interior Architecture & Furniture Design and Choreography.

January 13, 2016
Kjøkkenhåndkle med hæl
Velkommen til åpning i Rådhusgalleriet 18. januar. Utstillingen åpnes av Inga Marte Thorkildsen, byråd for eldre, helse og sosiale tjenester i Oslo kl 14.00 etterfulgt av et kaffeslabberas.

January 11, 2016
Mikkel B. Tin lecture
Professor Mikkel B. Tin from the University College of Southeast Norway will give a double lecture. The first one will focus on the Body, Space and Movement, and the second one on Social Choreography and the City. The lectures are in connection to the ongoing joint MA workshop between the choreography and design students.

December 09, 2015
Daily Practice Exhibition, autumn 2015
For the Open School Day the internal Daily Practices of the students are shared. Over 1000 pieces of work are on display!

November 12, 2015
Lansering av Ellen Klingebergs bok Interiørarkitektur
Nest etter klærne på kroppen er interiøret det rommet som er oss nærmest. Interiørarkitektur handler om å forme rom for å fylle deres funksjonelles og estetiske behov. Arne Kormo kalte det romkunst.