
The MA2 Furniture and Interior class are showing their work from Studio 3 course "Materiality" this Thursday. Come check out an extensive display of material processes and experiments that we have been working on this semester.

Talking Matters - Symposium

This symposium makes an inquiry into the language of the materials; How do we talk and articulate the essence of matter?

Avgang 2023: Designavgang

52 avgangsstudenter fra bachelor og master i grafisk design og illustrasjon, møbeldesign og interiørarkitektur og kles- og kostymedesign stiller ut sine avgangsarbeider på KHiO. Vi ønsker velkommen til vernissasje fredag 2. Juni kl 18:00 – 19:30. (Skolen stenger 21:00 denne kvelden). Utstillingen står frem til 11. juni.

Design Talks: Colette Gaiter and Renuka Rajiv

These artists’ works cover different aspects of the book that evolve from themes of social justice, gender identity, culture and public discourse. This talk is held in conjunction with Halden Bookworks.

Avgang 2023: Master design

​ Avgangsstudentene på master design vil presentere sine avgangsarbeider i en felles avgangsutstilling. Mer informasjon om avgangsutstillingen kommer. Avgang 2023 dokumenter avsluttende avgangsarbeid for mer enn 200 avgangsstudenter ved årsstudium, bachelorstudium og masterstudium på KHiO. Gjennom hele våren presenteres unike kunstproduksjoner og resultat av studentenes avsluttende arbeid.


Designers’ Saturday Oslo inviterer designstudenter og designere i etableringsfasen til å konkurrere om 1., 2. og 3. prisen i konkurransen Designers’ Saturday Awards Best Talents 2023.

Kunnskap, Selvskap og Utenforskap / Failure and the Workmanship of Risk

Design Research Unit’s presentation of Bjørn Blikstad’s PhD research. A preliminary summary and conclusion of the artistic research done by Bjørn Blikstad’s mainly through 2 distinct modes of:

Welcome to Artistic Research Week 2023 – week 4, 23 – 27 2023

Worlds within Worlds – Looking at Context Artistic Research Week at the Oslo National Academy of the Arts (KHiO) is an opportunity for each of the six departments to share their research projects with the research and education community internally, externally, and internationally.

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