May 14, 2023
Designers’ Saturday Oslo inviterer designstudenter og designere i etableringsfasen til å konkurrere om 1., 2. og 3. prisen i konkurransen Designers’ Saturday Awards Best Talents 2023.

February 08, 2023
Kunnskap, Selvskap og Utenforskap / Failure and the Workmanship of Risk
Design Research Unit’s presentation of Bjørn Blikstad’s PhD research. A preliminary summary and conclusion of the artistic research done by Bjørn Blikstad’s mainly through 2 distinct modes of:

January 23, 2023
Welcome to Artistic Research Week 2023 – week 4, 23 – 27 2023
Worlds within Worlds – Looking at Context Artistic Research Week at the Oslo National Academy of the Arts (KHiO) is an opportunity for each of the six departments to share their research projects with the research and education community internally, externally, and internationally.