Novel Retrofitting of Future Oslo

KHiO’s Interior & Furniture programme partners in the SMART RETRO Nordic urban development project

A unique consortium of public and private actors and research organisations across the Nordic countries has launched a Nordic Smart Retro project with the focus on retrofitting the smart city into the existing built environment and urban life. The aim is turning the cities more sustainable and attractive while opening new business opportunities by developing smart services. KHiO’s Interior & Furniture programme is a key partner in this project that is led by the Nordic think-thank Demos Helsinki. The MA1 students have worked on a real life case studies to design the future of Kvadraturen area in the central Oslo. The results of the workshop were presented for 90 people from 30 different organisations in March 2015. Other Norwegian partners in the project are Futurebuilt Oslo and Aspelin Ramm Infill.

More about the Smart Retro project:

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